Tinder sex harassment suit: former executive Whitney Wolfe claims abuses

2015-05-12 2

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Former Tinder marketing vice president Whitney Wolfe filed a lawsuit against the online dating APP on Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court, claiming sexual harassment and discrimination by chief marketing officer Justin Mateen.

Wolfe and Mateen started dating in late 2012 even though she said Mateen called her a whore in front of CEO Sean Rad at a company party.

By late 2013, Wolfe was stripped of her co-founder title because, according to Mateen and Rad, having a 24-year-old female as a co-founder would have devalued the company.

According to Wolfe, Rad completely ignored her complaints of sexual harassment and discrimination and she was forced out of the company soon after.

After the lawsuit was filed, Mateen was immediately suspended pending an ongoing internal investigation.

A spokesperson for the IAC said in an email statement that Mateen had sent Wolfe many degrading private messages which will be examined during the investigation. However, Wolfe's allegations with respect to the company and its management are unfounded.


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