The latest al-Qaeda stealth bombs can completely bypass security screening

2015-05-12 2

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Airlines with direct flights to the United States are now tightening security screening amid fears that al-Qaeda bomb experts have devised new bombs that can get by current checks undetected.

Changes in security measures around the world were announced after U.S. security officials received intelligence that bomb experts in the Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) may be using electronic devices, clothing soaked in liquid explosives, or even surgically implanted bombs to bypass security.

New screening measures have taken effect immediately in London. At Heathrow, officials are asking passengers to turn on their mobile phones and other devices at checks. Electronic items, clothing and shoes are also being swabbed to check for traces of explosives. Security staff are also carrying out more rigorous physical searches on passengers.

Al-Qaeda bomb experts have deployed several lines of bombs in several attempts to bring down flights headed to the U.S.

Liquid bombs disguised as soft drinks were first smuggled onto flights in 2006. Another bomber attempted to blow up a plane with explosives fitted in his pants while on a flight over Detroit in 2009.

U.S. officials say that they have acquired evidence that militant groups have tested new bomb designs in Syria. They gave no indication that they had detected a specific plot or timeframe for a potential attack.


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