Billionaire Clive Palmer flames Chinese government as ‘mongrels’ in interview

2015-05-12 17

Clive Palmer, Australian politician and the owner of Mineralogy, attacked Chinese Communist government by calling them ‘Chinese mongrels’ during a live interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Monday night.

“Because they’re communists, because they shoot their own people, they haven't got a justice system, and wanna take over this country” he said.

Palmer’s racist comment quickly went viral. Australian netizens criticized him, calling the billionaire a “racist douchenozzle”.

Palmer explained that he was aiming his comments at Citic Pacific, a Chinese company currently in a legal dispute with him, not the Chinese people generally. He said the company has been extracting resources from Australia without paying, and will not apologise for what he has said. He also added that the media were just trying to discredit him.

The Chinese embassy in Australia said Palmer’s comments were “full of ignorance and prejudice”.

On Tuesday, the treasurer of Australia, Joe Hockey, said Palmer’s speech was “hugely damaging”.

The foreign minister, Julie Bishop, said Palmer’s words were “offensive, unnecessary and unacceptable for a member of parliament to make”. She added that Palmer’s personal opinion does not represent Australia’s attitude toward China.


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