In-law fail: Chinese mother-in-law starves cheating son’s wife to death

2015-05-12 68

Women have it tough in China, not only do they have to marry annoying Chinese men, they also have to deal with their super annoying in-laws.

Meet 25-year-old Tian-Tian from the China. Before Tian-Tian got tied down she used to be young and pretty, but now she looks like this...

Tian-Tian met her little man to be in 2009. The two got engaged and then started shacking up together. Tian-Tian always wanted kids and it took the couple until 2010 before she was able to successfully pop out a boy.

That’s about the time Tian-Tian’s husband got tired of her and started cheating with other women. When Tian-Tian complained to her kind mother in-law, moms said it’s normal for men to cheat, you should be happy for what you have.

After fighting with her husband, Tian-Tian suffered a mental breakdown and tried to overdose, but was luckily saved by doctors.

Also turns out that the mother-in-law had been starving Tian-Tian for about a year. The mom said it was because they didn’t have enough money to feed his son’s wife. Great mom!

By the time Tian-Tian was taken to the hospital it was too late. She died on August 1st.


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