Michigan teen post gruesome turtle beheading video on Facebook, shocked to get criticism

2015-05-11 5

Click here: http://bit.ly/ZhtQUD for the uncensored version.

A Michigan teen has sparked controversy by posting a graphic video of her and her siblings sawing off the head of a turtle.

Seventeen-year old Catrina Shears from Cedar Springs recently posted the short clip to Facebook that shows her helping her brother take the head off a snapping turtle with a pair of pliers and a hacksaw.

It takes at least 20 seconds for her brother to chop the head off the animal.

The clip sparked a flood of comments on Facebook with hundreds of comments from all across the US in protest at the manner of killing.

Several viewers contacted the local Department of Natural Resources in complaint.

Although the DNR said they had reviewed the video and spoken to law enforcement officials and come to the conclusion that Shears and her family had not broken the law.

Shears has now temporarily suspended her FaceBook account after receiving threats.