Sinkhole of death: 26 ft wide hole in Crimea swallows car killling 6 people

2015-05-11 33

Six people died on September 28 when the car they were travelling in plunged into a 26-foot-wide sinkhole on an unlit section of highway linking the Crimean capital, Simferopol and the village of Nikolaevka. Among the dead are three-year-old twins.

The 34-year-old driver, Ibrail Eskandarov was travelling in the disputed area with his young family, a friend and her two young children. These two children, a 1-year-old boy and and 12-yeard-old girl were pulled alive from the mangled wreck by rescue workers. Of the eight people in the car, only they survived. The 1-year-old remanins in a coma with traumatic brain injuries.

Rescuers say the giant pit, which is at least 19-feet deep, would have suddenly appeared in the middle of the road in front of the car as the collapsing earth damaged power lines making it impossible to have seen the killer hole in time to avoid it.


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