He eats 12 eggs, a cactus laxatives gums and more...

2015-05-11 37

The Best Of The L.A. BEAST Challenges

Over the past 5 years, the L.A. BEAST has encountered some of the most bizarre and insane Internet Eating Challenges, ranging from Eating A Cactus, to Eating An Entire Carton Of Raw Eggs With The Shell, Chugging A Gallon Of Super Hot Tabasco Sauce, and Eating All Of The Spiciest Peppers In Existence. (just to name a few) Today, in an effort to truly live up to his L.A. BEAST Name, all the L.A. BEAST will attempt to do is the following:
1. Eat 12 raw eggs with the shell
2. Swallow 4 whole hot dogs without chewing them
3. Eat 1 Cactus
4. Consume one bag of Sugar Free Laxative Gummy Bears
5. Enjoy 4 Ghost Peppers
6. Wash those down with an Extreme RedBull and Milk
7. Refresh with an Ice Cold Expired 23 year old bottle of Crystal Pepsi That's it! So please, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

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