Euronews reporter Sarah Chappell, in London for the British General Election, filed this analysis of the nights dramatic events.
“After weeks of talks about deals, red lines and coalition combinations British voters actually what no one expected, a conclusive result. As the dust begins to settle on the unexpected news, Britons take stock of a dramatic election night and start to look to the future,” she said.
The electorate awoke to headlines claiming a Conservative victory and an end to the coalition government.
On the streets of London voters gave their views of events:
“I think it’s a good result in terms of having a stronger government, having a majority government in power. I think a lot more will get done to better the country without a coalition.”
The Labour supporting Daily Mirror ran a black front page carrying a message of doom “Five more damned years?”
As in all elections opinion is divided: “I am not surprised, really, to be honest if you consider the reaction aga