Whole Foods Plans To Open A Lower-Priced Chain Of Stores

2015-05-07 7

Whole Foods announced plans to open a chain of stores that will feature lower-priced goods yet maintain the company’s high standards.

Whole Foods has announced plans to open a chain of stores that will feature lower-priced goods yet maintain the company’s high standards. 

In recent times, the company has been feeling a great deal of pressure from other retailers.

CEO John Mackey told CNN, "We've been so successful that we've actually bred a lot more competition and everyone is jumping on the natural and organic food bandwagon…” 

Among the stores that have increased their locally sourced and additive-free offerings are Walmart and Kroger. 

Whole Foods’ new chain will try to dispel the company’s ‘Whole Paycheck’ reputation by appealing to a broader audience. 

Younger consumers will be ta