Published on May 6, 2015
A couple years back, I remember Pastor Hallock asking the Grace Bible congregation the thought provoking question, “If Christianity were outlawed, could you be convicted?” Because Christian beliefs cannot be revealed through a blood test, tattoos or body marks and even the evidence of baptism dries in minutes, it is nearly impossible to positively identify a Christian; a dilemma shared by Islamic fundamentalists and American collectivists. The Montana legislature recently aided the forces battling Christian liberty.
A couple weeks ago, Islamic terrorists faced this identification quandary while slaughtering 147 Christian college students in Kenya. The hooded invaders resorted to asking hostages if they were Christian before shooting the ones answering “yes.” Rest assured, this question-and-execute slaughter could never happen in Montana, not because we are a congregation of well-armed believers, but because the 64th legislative session enacted a law identifying Christians. Asking is no longer required in the Treasure State thanks to the Montana Disclose Act, (SB 289).
Christians are a shared enemy of Islamic fundamentalists and progressives with the former eliminating their adversary via violence and latter using the vicious personal attack techniques outlined in Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” There is a quiet Christian majority who disagrees with progressives, but chose to protect themselves via anonymity; portraying a public persona of “no opinion” while letting other patriots act as bullet sponges to the shots fired from the left. These Christians are the group the left finds most difficult to identify and neutralize, but Montana’s Disclose Act erases the bulletproof anonymity; suddenly making the invisible visible.