Turks, Kurds, Arabs also suffered along with Armenians during WWI. The Pope must speak after acknowledging the historical facts

2015-05-03 36

- During the religious ceremony held in the Vatican to commemorate the incidents of the 1915, Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of Catholics worldwide, claimed that the first genocide carried out in the 20th Century was against the Armenian community.

ADNAN OKTAR: We know that our dear Armenian brothers have passed away there. Indeed hundreds of thousands people died there. Yes but what about the Anatolian people? A nation perished there. That is to say, a nation of Turkish origin, of Kurdish origin. Maybe a million people perished there. Wherever you go, the Earth abounds with martyrs. Why don’t they mention it at all? There had been a war there. A horrible war. People exterminated one another mutually. This is it. These are very bitter incidents; fascism was rampant then, it was a scene of horror. They showed  Akdamar Cathedral to me, my heart sank. What if we had our Armenian friends there? I wish they had their houses there. I wish they had their towns, villages and

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