Latest TrueMove H video celebrates compassion as true communication

2015-05-02 1

In TrueMove H’s second “Giving” video, the old adage that actions speak louder than words is front and center.

The short video tells the story of a war veteran’s daughter who’s searching for answers following her father’s death, and finds her answer in an elderly Asian woman who speaks without words. The daughter explains to the woman that her father was taken as a prisoner of war, beaten, tortured and truly demoralized. But despite all this undeserved horror, he devoted his life to helping strangers after he returned home.

We then learn that the elderly woman was the reason for his enduring kindness in light of all that had happened. “What did you say to him?” the daughter asks as the video cuts to a frame of the same woman many years ago quietly taking the prisoner’s hand. She does the same now to the daughter, as the daughter slowly realizes that giving with the heart without expecting anything in return transcends language, society and culture.

During war and always, sometimes the simple act of giving truly is the best form of communication.