The changing face of British politics? One week remains until the UK decides

2015-04-30 20

The face of British politics as we know it could be set for a makeover in one week’s time.

Next Thursday (May 7), the UK goes to the polls in what is being hailed as the tightest election race in decades. And depending on the outcome, Britain’s position in Europe could come into question.

The Conservatives

The most recent Ipsos-Mori poll puts the ruling Conservatives, under Prime Minister David Cameron, ahead with a five-point lead.

Tabloid The Sun, is backing the Tories, as the party is known. Cameron says he will organise an in/out referendum concerning the EU by the end of 2017 if he keeps hold of power.


Ed Miliband’s Labour Party is ahead in other polls. The pro-EU leader says he’s committed to staying in the Union.

He met TV personality Russell Brand this week – a man who actively encourages people NOT to vote – an effort, Miliband said, to engage with millions who may be on the fence.

UK Independence Party

There are no doubts at all about UKIP leader

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