Exequiel Narese RW - RB - CM Italian passport

2015-04-29 12

08-03-90 (25) Argentina 1.74 m Right winger – Right back – Center midfielder. Italian Passport
2007-before San Martin Tucuman reserves
2007-08 Atalanta reserves Italy
2008-11 San Martin Tucuman (1st and 2nd div) Argentina
2011-13 San Jorge Tucuman (Argentina A – 3rd div) Argentina
2013-15 Guarani Franco (2nd and 3rd div) Argentina
2013-14 Argentino A Champion with Guarani Franco
Lastest stats:
2005 Guarani Franco (2nd div) 11 matches (11 lineups) 3 goals 3 assits (for now)
2004 (august-dec) Guarani Franco (2nd div) 20 matches (19 lineups) 1 goals 4 assits
2013/14 Guarani Franco (Argentino A – 3rd div) 30 matches (27 lineups) 3 goals 6 assits
2012/13 San Jorge Tucuman (Argentino A – 3rd div) 32 matches (29 lineups) 6 goals 7 assits