celsius holdings stock quote , celsius holdings stock , celsius holdings stock price , celh stock quote , celh stock new

2015-04-29 36

celsius holdings stock quote , celsius holdings stock , celsius holdings stock price , celh stock quote , celh stock new ,celsius holdings stock quote , celsius holdings stock , celsius holdings stock price , celh stock quote , celh stock new,celsius holdings stock quote , celsius holdings stock , celsius holdings stock price , celh stock quote , celh stock new, The Celsius capital structure consists of approximately 20.5 million shares of common stock and roughly 10.075 million US DOLLARS of debt. The debt structure includes a 1.5 million US DOLLARS convertible note and a revolving credit line, of which 8.575 million US DOLLARS is currently outstanding. There are also 2200 shares of preferred stock (Preferred C Shares) convertible into common stock.

Of the nearly 20.5 million shares of common stock issued and outstanding, there is only approximately 9.0 million shares available in the public float.

The 1.5 million US DOLLARS note is convertible at the discretion of the noteholder , into shares of common stock at a conversion price of 0.30 cents. The credit line debt was recently extended out to December 31, 2016, and carries an interest rate of 5%.

The Preferred C Shares can be converted into Company common stock at any time until December 31, 2018 at a conversion price of 0.52 DOLLARS per share. The conversion price per share is based on the weighted average of the ten daily VWAPs for the 10 trading days immediately preceding the closing date of August 26, 2013. The Preferred C Shares accrue a 6% annual cumulative dividend, payable in additional Preferred C Shares. The Preferred C Shares mature on December 31, 2018, and are redeemable only in Company Common Stock.

The Preferred C Shares were issued to CDS in exchange for the cancellation of a $550,000 short-term loan from CD, an affiliate of CDS and the cancellation of $1,650,000 in debt associated with the line of credit with CD.

With regard to the Common Stock, there are currently total shares outstanding of 20,459,032 shares, as of September 30, 2014, of which 10,450,737 are owned by companies affiliated or controlled by Carl DeSantis.

At Celsius Holdings, Inc., they don't have a history of raising capital through toxic financing like PIPEs and floorless convertible debt arrangements. It's called death-spiral financing for a reason! They don't have a track record of diluting shareholders through suspicious backroom financing arrangements, or dealing with stock promoters.

Carl DeSantis continues to provide straight debt financing and lines of credit without all the fancy bells & whistles that eventually wind up destroying shareholder equity over time.

As a 52% shareholder in the equity of Celsius, holding some 10+ million shares, Carl needs a price increase of only 90 cents in the stock to make up for the majority of capital that he has provided. In essence, Carl is supporting his own equity investment in the company through funding it with private debt. We categorize the debt of Celsius Holdings, Inc. as "friendly debt" since it is owed to the company's largest shareholder.

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