The Mahdi (pbuh) will pass away nine years after the reign of the morality of Islam

2015-04-25 27

- (Viever’s question): “The Mahdi (as) is of my lineage, if his life were long or short, he would live [to rule] for seven, eight or nine years.” Mr. Adnan Oktar, is this hadith authentic?

Of course it is authentic, “seven or nine years.” How? Along with the reign of morality of Islam over the world. Once Islam reigns over the world, the meaning of the system of Mahdi and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be over because the purpose is already accomplished. See, there is a flood of blood all over, before Hazrat Mahdi’s appearance. Millions of people die before the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi. But when Hazrat Mahdi (as) comes, the purpose is accomplished. Then his life also reaches its purpose. Then it is time for him to meet his Lover. That is why God keeps the reign of Islam short, seven or nine years. Then the hadith narrates, “He passes away suddenly in his vehicle.” Possibly while he is going somewhere, “...he passes away suddenly.&rdquo