BADASS Sheriffs To Gun Grabbers ‘Stick it Where The Sun Don’t Shine

2015-04-25 18

As liberal ideology continues to fester in our nation, rights of Americans are being plucked away, one by one. Just as in gun-grabbing states like New York and California, others are trying to follow suit as the dominoes continue to fall. Too bad for them, they never expected the badass sheriffs that they’d meet along the way.

For those unaware, Oregon is in the process of passing SB941 — the “universal background check” bill — which would effectively require background checks for anyone trying to purchase a firearm, regardless of type. Unfortunately for the idiots responsible for pushing the bill (including Gabby Giffords), they’re short on a few facts, since background checks are ineffective in preventing gun crimes.

Giffords, in particular, believes every potential gun purchaser should have to pass the same background check her attacker passed to acquire his firearm, which is the same background check Jerad and Amanda Miller (Las Vegas), Aaron Ybarra (Seattle Pacific University), Elliot Rodger (Santa Barbara), Ivan Lopez (Fort Hood 2014), Darion Marcus Aguilar (Maryland mall), Karl Halverson Pierson (Arapahoe High School), James Holmes (Aurora theater), Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood 2009), and many, many others passed to get the guns they used in their crimes. (Breitbart)

Despite their apparent inability to see beyond the ends of their own noses, it seems that quite a few people aren’t taking the bill lying down. In order to paint an accurate picture of reality for the nearsighted liberals, Grant County Sheriff Glenn Palmer kicked off the discussion last week by explaining that not only was their no way to enforce the ludicrous bill, but that he wouldn’t even if they passed it.