Immobile Crow turns a dry eye to life. The "Immobile Crow" 2015 Season: Episode 4 - Immobile Chills III further taxes viewer patience. Filmed On Location, spiked with ear-shattering street noise, laden dead air segways, and based on a true story, regardless, we find the episode subject matter blatantly wanton. Returning to Nature in its most truest sense, our hero Immobile Crow seeks solitude. Death does enjoys a good laugh once in awhile as Immobile Crow found out. Dead, stuck on a tree limb, decomposing, such it is.
Coming next Episode? More dead crow, stuck on a tree limb, decomposing throughout the year, and caught on film by IC VIDz.
theOZer - Chief Cook & Bottle Washer, Immobile Crow (IC) VIDz
Length: 00:03;17 Size: 350 MB Format: MP4 HD Date: APR-04-2015
Location: Pikes Peak Region, Colorado, USA
Camera: Sony HDR-PJ440 Video Camera, Sony HDR-CX240 Video Camera
Video Software: Sony Movie Studio 13 Suite
Video FX: NewBlue MSPPS Color Fixer Plus - OpenFX
Transitions: Blinds