Akinwumi Adesina is the outgoing agriculture minister of Nigeria, Africa's largest economy. He is also a candidate to become the next president of the African Development Bank. He argues that clever farming policies could provide a boost to the continent's economies and throw a lifeline to millions of people.
For around a decade now, African economies have recorded solid growth, but Akinwumi Adesina points out that many have been left behind on the continent's road to prosperity. "Africa has grown by 6% per year, almost for 10 years running. So we have good growth", he told FRANCE 24's Markus Karlsson.
"But the problem is you have a lot of inequality: inequality between countries, rising inequalities within countries and you see some of the effects in terms of the various fragilities all across Africa today", he said, giving unemployment, climate change and illegal immigration to Europe as examples. "The real challenge is how you get inclusive growth".
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