President Obama Is A Liar What ISIS Is Doing Now Proves It

2015-04-22 33

Despite the fact that President Obama has tried to downplay ISIS from the very beginning in order to avoid any political backlash, it seems that the terrorist organization is gaining more control by the day. Proving they’re a bigger threat than Obama wants us to know, it’s recently been divulged that ISIS has implemented its own form of government that runs a wide variety of matters they have no business in governing.

As explained in a report by CNN, the Islamic State has officially set into place a functioning, religion based government that runs everything from birth certificates and vaccines to education and law enforcement.

For those unaware, ISIS now runs an area — or a caliphate, as they call it — in the Middle East that is larger than quite a few countries. They are striving to not only establish themselves, but ingrain their mark in history as well. In order to do so, they’ve begun taking over ordinary government functions and seem to be doing so in a highly organized and effective manner.

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