Married at the Movies - Couple Surprised with Life-Changing Dream Wedding - Prank it FWD

2015-04-19 1

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In a world where love conquers all, Break surprises one deserving couple with the fairy tale wedding they have been putting off for years. They met on a movie set and fell in love . . . but unexpected challenges made them put their dreams on pause. With the help of their loved ones, and a little movie magic, our lucky couple finally gets a romantic Hollywood Ending.

Thank you to our friends at Barefoot Wine & Bubbly for helping make this possible.

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Many Thanks To:
Landmark Loews Jersey City Theater

Wedding Designer & Florist

Instagram: @DivaBlooms

Bridal Reflections

Robbie & Co

Kimmys Kakes

Photo Booth

Wedding Photography
Sean Tierney & Jeremy Cohen

Tinikling Dancers
Ligaya Cultural Group

Yuiko Kamakari & Leo

DJ Services
Speedo The Clown Entertainment

Specialty Desserts:

Prank it FWD® and Prank it Forward® are registered trademarks of Defy Media, LLC