In this exclusive video for Dailymotion, bartenders share their craziest barf stories.
Claire Bertin-Lang reminisces about the time she tried to help a "Freddy 40 Hands" player out of his "40 hands" at The Village Pourhouse by Columbia University on "Student Night" and got sprayed.
Rachel Wiznitzer (whoa, is that like a smarter version of the Howitzer?), currently a bartender at Seamstress, talks about a little girl who starts swaying then launches a vom-bomb all over the bar top. I'll tell you it's the little ones that produce the most 'gurge (read: regurgitation).
Danny Neff (what's up, Neff! What up, CUZ), a bartender at Holiday Cocktail Lounge, who took matters into his own fortyhands by making a barricade with his arms to keep the stew confined.
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