Tennessee Black man attacked by mob of high school students

2015-04-16 66

A Memphis, Tenn., man literally was mobbed by a massive group of high schoolers in an apparently unprovoked attack caught on a security camera.

The victim, Orrden Williams Jr., admitted he'd been ready to grab a gun he had in his car and shoot the rowdy crowd in self defense.

“It would have been a couple of mommas who’s child wouldn’t have come home — justifiably not coming home,” Williams, 35, told WREG.

The video, from Friday, shows about 30 teens, most said to be from Northwest Prep Academy, seemingly coming out of nowhere and swarming around Williams, who was helping an elderly woman get to her car. Many of the teens pulled out their smartphones and appeared to film the chaos. Meanwhile, customers inside the station’s store barricaded the door.

Williams said he was “sucker punched” by one hooligan as he rushed to his car, where he had a 3-month-old baby inside.

The baby was left untouched by the malicious mob, but Williams had bruises all over his body, and also saw some damage to his car. No one was seriously injured.

The attack happened after school had let out for the day.

On Wednesday, police made a first arrest for the case: Joe Brittman, 19, who was nabbed at Northwest Prep Academy. He’s been charged with aggravated riot, simple assault and vandalism, the Commercial Appeal reported. Brittman’s specific involvement in the attack is unclear. Police are still investigating.