Nurse Kaci Hickox sent into quarantine at Newark International Airport was found negative for Ebola

2015-04-14 10

A nurse who had returned to the U.S. from West Africa after working with Ebola patients was placed under a mandatory quarantine in Newark under a new policy put in place on Friday by governor Andrew Cuomo of New York and Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey.

The new order required all health care workers who had been in direct contact with Ebola patients in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone to enter a mandatory 21-day quarantine upon their arrival in the U.S. through Newark Liberty and Kennedy International Airport.

Kaci Hickox, the nurse who was the first person to be quarantined at Newark under the new policy, described being held for seven hours at the airport where she was found with a fever on Friday, but tested negative for Ebola on Saturday.

Hickox was later escorted by eight police cars to University Hospital in Newark where she was kept in quarantine in a tent outside the hospital building.

The quarantine period of 21 days is the longest recorded period for any infected person to manifest the disease. A similar quarantine program went into effect at the Chicago O’Hare International Airport on Saturday.


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