Denver high schooler brings ‘gravity bong’ to class but doesn’t smoke it, media hysteria ensues

2015-04-14 3

A spokesperson from the Denver high school that called for a partial lockdown last Friday is setting the story straight.

According to Anthony Smith, executive director of school turnaround at Adams City High School, a student brought a gravity bong to school in his backpack.

Students reported a strong marijuana smell in a classroom, Smith said. He told Tomonews when he discovered the bong in the backpack, he was unsure whether the student had used the device to smoke.

The school then went on a partial lockdown, meaning students had to stay in their classrooms but lessons still went on as usual.

Smith said media outlets spoke to students outside of the building, but few made the effort to ask him what had happened.

He said that led to false reports of smoke filling the classroom and drug dogs in the building.

“It must have been a slow news day,” Smith said.

School nurses reportedly checked on students in the classroom to make sure they had suffered no adverse effects.


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