Pakistan Taliban school attack: death toll rises to more than 145, mostly children

2015-04-14 383

The death toll from a Taliban attack on a school in Pakistan on Tuesday now stands at at least 145 people dead, mostly young children, military spokesman General Asim Bajwa said, making it the deadliest such attack ever in the Pakistan Taliban’s history.

Pakistani education minister Muhammad Baligh Ur told CNN that a car exploded behind the Army Public School and Degree College in Peshawar morning on Tuesday to divert the school’s security guards’ attention.

Soon after, a group of militants climbed the school's walls around 10:00 a.m. with the aim of killing the older students there, Pakistani Taliban spokesman Mohammed Khurrassani told CNN.

A Pakistani military official stated that the militants were prepared with enough ammunition and other supplies to last for days, while a doctor at Peshawar’s Lady Reading Hospital said gunmen headed to where students in grades 8, 9 and 10 were having class and fired upon them. Students who were taking an exam in an auditorium were also attacked, with militants gunning them down in minutes.

CNN reports that Pakistani troops eventually pushed through the complex and confined the attackers to four buildings. Hours later all seven militants were dead.

Pakistani officials spent the night combing the school looking for survivors and victims. Authorities also searched for improvised explosive devices that may have been planted to create even more damage.

More than 100 were injured in the attacks, many with gunshot wounds, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province Information Minister Mushtaq Ghani told CNN.


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