Maggot infestation: Harvard researcher Piotr Naskrecki grows botfly larvae in his skin

2015-04-14 2

A Harvard University entomologist successfully grew botflies under his skin as an experiment.

It began when a female bot fly laid eggs on the belly of a mosquito. This mosquito then bit entomologist Piotr Naskrecki, who was busy taking pictures of frogs in a rainforest in Belize, Naskrecki wrote on his blog.

Naskrecki said three larvae survived the first week after he got home. However, one of them was particularly “active and painful,” so he decided to get rid of it but kept the other two. Ten weeks later, two beautiful botfly larvae crawled out of Naskrecki’s body.

Why did he do it? “I figured that being a male it was my only chance to produce another living, breathing being out of my flesh and blood,” Naskrecki said.


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