Crazy Chinese mother-in-law threatens suicide if her son’s wife won’t have sex with him

2015-04-14 6

An elderly Chinese mother dangled herself off her 10th floor balcony in protest after her newly purchased daughter-in-law refused to share a bedroom with her son.

Thankfully, nothing happened as emergency services arrived and coaxed the woman down from the balcony.

The woman, identified by her last name Qin, said that her son had gotten married a few months ago to a young woman surnamed Zhang. The two met through a dating service and although they’d dated for a while, Zhang reportedly wasn’t interested in physical contact. She even refused to kiss her husband during the wedding ceremony.

After they married, Zhang refused to have sex with her husband and after a few nights asked to sleep in another room because her new husband’s snoring kept her awake. A few weeks after the marriage the new bride moved back to her parents place.

Mama Qin says she suspects the young woman was only after the dowry money, which amounted to around US$13,000.

We caught up with the young bride who said that if her new husband and mother-in-law expected her to do housework all day long then she had to get some sleep at night. And her husband’s snoring was so loud she was kept awake all night. As for the reason she moved out, she showed us a few text messages where Mama Qin angrily told her to ‘put out or get out’. So she did.

As for the husband he shrugged and said OK to a divorce. He just wants his dowry money back.

His wife fired back that if they got divorced they’d do it through the courts and then they would see who owes who money.


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