Snowden leaks documents that show China stole F-35 designs from US

2015-04-14 39

Top secret documents released by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden show Chinese cyber spies stole vast amounts of important military data from the US.

The documents suggest that Chinese cyber spies stole key design information about Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II.

The stolen design information include detailed engine schematics, the cooling of exhaust gases and the radar systems the jet uses for tracking targets.

Military aviation experts speculated that China’s fighter jet Shenyang J-31 Falcon Hawk, which closely resembles the F-35 in appearance, has been heavily influenced by the US design, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

Chinese cyber spies also allegedly stole information related to the B-2 stealth bomber, missile designs, nuclear submarines and other military data from the US, UPI reported.

The documents also reveal that the NSA requested $1 billion in 2013 to prepare for cyber warfare, UPI reported.


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