Postcard Marketing Update - National Wealth Center

2015-04-14 14

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Quick video today showing you how simple it is to use postcard marketing for your National Wealth Center business. When you join my team (Elite Domination), I will give you access to our complete postcard marketing system. This includes the postcard templates, access to our list distrubutor, and of course the $1000 Gift Incentive. This has been, by far, the quickest way I've found to recruit new signups into my National Wealth Center business. And here's why...

1) Postcards are a tangible item, unlike text ads online
2) We use highly targeted lists (6-figure earners, work-from-home prospects, etc.)
3) Great Return on Investment
4) Super Easy to Do!
4) People have never seen them before!!

The return on investment with postcards is great! Although it takes an investment to get started, postcards will pay you back ten-fold. You see, not only do you make money this month with new signups, but every month (as long as they remain a member)! That's the power of earning 100% commissions with National Wealth Center. And because you brought the member in with postcards, there's a great chance that they'll use postcards for their business. This means that they're going to get signups quick too!


I spend roughly 2 hours to put together about 500 postcards. That's the total time it takes to put the stamps and labels on them, and walk them to the mailbox. It really doesn't get any easier than that!


The most common thing I hear from people who receive my postcards is that they've never seen anything like it. Keep in mind, many of the people on our lists have either worked in network marketing or shown interest in a work-from-home business before. And we never mail to the same people twice. So when they see our postcards, they immediately have an "Ah-Ha Moment". They've never seen anything so simple. This is the solution they've always searched for - Direct Mailing with Postcards!!


I tell everyone on my team that if you really want to get the best results, it's best to send out at least 200-300/week when you first get started. I would stick to this schedule for a couple of months at a minimum. In no time you will have a team of "highly-qualified" members working directly underneath you! You could stop sending out postcards at any time, and sit back and watch your residuals (and passups) come in. But I encourage you to always put some of your profits back into marketing so that your business is always growing.

I hope after watching this video you see how easy it is to do this. We've made it so easy that all you need is a computer to order the labels, and a mailbox to send them from!

Once you've joined our team, you will have full access to this wonderful postcard marketing system, along with complete training!