Domestic abuse: Young single mom jumps off building with 1YO baby in her arms

2015-04-14 9

In New Taipei City, a young single mother left a suicide note before she climbed to the roof of her building with her 14 month old son, and jumped.

The young mother, nicknamed Lulu, and her ex-husband met and dated two years ago. But, when Lulu became pregnant, her then boyfriend was furious and demanded that she get an abortion.

Lulu refused as she wanted to keep her baby. Eventually her boyfriend was persuaded to marry her, and claimed he wanted to try and be a father to his child. But it seems the husband’s family didn’t like the arrangement because his mother would constantly berated or emotionally abuse Lulu.

Lulu did her best to raise her child and earned money by selling yogurt drinks as a street vendor. Her husband later took their son from her and threw her out of the house. A few months later he divorced her and his family fought her for custody of the child.

During their divorce a judge awarded custody of the baby boy to Lulu and ordered the ex-husband to pay child support and alimony.

Unhappy, the ex-husband and his family continued to rain down abuse and threats against Lulu until she finally couldn’t take it anymore.

The owner of this coffee shop was the first to call police after seeing the young woman jump. While speaking to police the owner rushed to check the body and realized the dead woman held a baby in her arms. The baby boy was still alive and was rushed to hospital.

Lulu’s parents said they would go to court to fight the ex-husband for custody of their grandchild, as the grandchild is the last thing they have left of their daughter.


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