ISIS Jihadi Jake: scrawny Aussie teenager who was teased at school runs away and joins Islamic State

2015-04-14 5

ISIS would have you believe awesome people from every land are gathering in Syria to join the fight! Back in December, ISIS put out a rumor about some sort of "White Jihadi" who was taking the place by storm.

The lauded "White Jihadi," however, turned out to a scrawny, 18-year-old, math-loving Melbourne teenager who got teased a bit at school for being smart and having shoulder length hair.

Jake — last name unknown — now joins a thick skulled cast of westerners who have joined ISIS by going to Turkey and then sneaking across the border.

We can't help but pity this stupid kid, but to all you dimwits who actually made an effort to join ISIS: Few of you are ever going home, mates. And we hate to say it, but you asked for it.


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