Dog walks on hind legs: trained poodle in China looks like schoolgirl

2015-04-14 70

Four legs good, two legs better?

This strange video of a poodle dressed like a schoolgirl and walking on its hind legs has emerged from Sichuan Province in China.

The poodle wears shoes, a skirt, scarf and cap while carrying a handbag. More impressive, the dog can reportedly walk up to two kilometers on his hind legs without the need for rest.

Yin De Ping, the one-year-old dog in question, belongs to animal trainer Zhu Tai. Yin De Ping is actually male, but Zhu opted for girl's clothing because a skirt is more comfortable for the dog with the added benefit of being comedically hilarious.

Zhu said he had other dogs who could perform tricks, but Yin De Ping was his fastest learner and best trained.


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