"Just Cause," hosted by Colombian human rights advocate Piedad Córdoba, offers a series of documentaries on Latin American economic, political and social realities. Today’s program focuses on the most recent massacre in Guatemala, which took place on October 4, 2012 in Totonicapan. In the context of the criminalization of peaceful resistance against the destruction of the countryside by mining companies and other transnational corporations, we hear the stories of activists, human rights defenders and family members of those killed in the massacre. That morning over 15,000 indigenous protestors against high electricity rates and other grievances blocked traffic at Totonicapan, while other community leaders waited to dialogue with President Otto Perez Molina in the capital. The federal police and the armed forces violently repressed the protest, and a military contingent fired upon the protesters, leaving six dead, two disappeared and 26 wounded. The struggle for justice continues. teleSUR