Okay, I have wanting to do this one forever! I just never got around to it until now. I guess it's my sleeping schedule...I'm a night owl. Kinda like Princess Luna. NEways, the idea for this vid popped in my head as I blasted this Ace of Base classic in my car on the way to the restaurant, and I thought of that scene where Nightmare Moon asks if anyone saw the signs of her return....well, duh! Of course, Twilight knew! And she's here with her pony posse to make you taste 'da rainbow muthafucka'! Ahem, that's NOT what I meant! Rainbow Dash already has a girlfriend, or two, or three, depending on the fanfic, IDK. So, WELCOME TO P-TV, FELLOW BRONIES AND PEGASISTERS! ENJOY SOME RETRO 90'S MUSIC SET TO PONIES! TWILIGHT SPARKLE RULES!