Cheers Norway Moldovan winery produces video to thank the country for buying Purcari wine

2015-04-10 63

After Russia slapped a ban on Moldovan wine imports the small country defied Russian will and went on to sign an Association Agreement with the EU in 2013.

Since then Moldova’s vineyards have been forced to innovate and seek new markets or fall by the wayside.

The Purcari brand was picked up by the Norwegian state wine distribution monopoly, one of the largest wine buyers in the world.

In a display of gratitude to the people of Norway workers at the vineyard produced a video, in Norwegian, thanking the Norwegians for buying their wine.

Still it was a complicated process to get the wine in Norway.

Victor Bostan is the director of the Purcari Winery: “It was a very long procedure, all the samples had to be properly tested, verified and then accepted, it all takes at least half a year before they can reach a decision.”

Despite a population of 5 million Norway imports almost half as much wine as Russia.

Something for which the Moldovans are eternally grateful.
