By 2025 Signs of Alien Life Will Be Found, NASA's Chief Scientist Predicts

2015-04-10 546

A high-ranking NASA researcher says evidence that life exist on other planets is certain to be found, and it’ll happen relatively soon. NASA’s search for alien life has turned up a lot of potential hosts, but so far no definitive proof that thriving forms are out there has surfaced.

According to one space researcher, the elusive evidence that they exist is certain to be found, and it’ll happen relatively soon.

Ellen Stofan, a chief scientist for the agency, announced that she believes the discovery will occur in the coming decades.

Strong evidence will likely emerge in about 10 years and within 20 to 30, the findings will provide certainty.

What’s found won’t likely be of the highly functioning, UFO flying sort that can regale us with stories of what it’s like to live in a far-flung solar system, though.

It’ll probably be microbes that live on planets floating around in our own galaxy and possibly those that circle the same sun we do.

Stofan’s prediction, one that’s shared by a number of her colleagues, is based on recent information gathered concerning the existence of water on planets and moons nearby.

Advancements in the ability to perform the requisite research are also cited as being a significant source of optimism.

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