Broadway hosts political satire of Clinton White House scandal

2015-04-09 1

Everything you ever wanted to know about Bill Clinton and his extra-marital affairs… or did you?

‘Clinton The Musical’:, which has just premiered off Broadway, depicts how the Clintons attempted to save the presidency following his affair with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky in the late Nineties.

The show is the brainchild of Australian brothers Paul and Michael Hodge, who were inspired by a musical about their former Prime Minister Paul Keating.

After premiering at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe two years ago, the show has had a run in London and in New York, and comes just as Hillary Clinton is expected to announce her run for the White House.

“Since the New York Musical Theatre Festival, only two songs are the same in what was the first act, everything else has been rewritten. So there’s been a huge amount of change over that time. That’s just to do with both making the show better and there’s been a lot going on in politics in the past