Achieving Success: 7 Common Myths

2015-04-13 11

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Achieving Success: 7 Common Myths

One of the biggest common myths about success, is that it’s a matter of luck. Look, life has luck and bad luck that happens along the way. Don’t get into the idea that success is a matter of luck, because what happens when you think things are due to chance is you withdraw effort.

There’s so much research about people quitting when they think their results are due to luck. It’s when you withdraw effort, you don’t keep going at something. Persistence depends on you knowing and deciding and staying with the idea that it’s my efforts that count.

Number two, success is due to connections, it’s who you know not what you know. Look this is a lot of nonsense, it doesn’t hurt to get to know people, in fact it helps. But it’s not a matter of who you know, not what you know.

What you know is incredibly important. Or when you meet the people you think are the people you should know, they’re going to go hey, he doesn’t know anything. You’ve got to know something. You’ve got to know your craft. Dump the myth about connections. Get all the connections that you can get but it’s not a matter of connections, it a matter of you having competency. You’ve got to have competency.

Third myth, if you become successful you lose all your friends. Come on. If you have friends who turn against you because you are a success, you’ve got to scratch your head hard and ask yourself, were these really my friends? I don’t think if somebody abandons you because you are successful, because they attribute to you that now you are too holy or wonderful or whatever, to deem to talk to them, that’s their invention.

Your true friends are going to love you and they’re going to celebrate your success. They’re not going to abandon you. And if they do abandon you, I really think they probably weren’t that much your friend. Now if you come off like you’re some kind of prima donna, hey, you’re going to lose friends, but that’s new friends and old friends. Because people are going to tolerate because they get money from you or they get something from you, but you’re not going to have friends.

You need friends. Treasure your friends, hang on to your friends. But you have no reason to lose them though because you are successful. That’s just really an excuse that expresses your hesitancy about taking the risks involved with being a success.

Here’s another myth. There’s a myth that success is due to some special gift. People who become a success are gifted in some unique way that sets them apart like they have the success gene. Come on. There isn’t a success gene. Some people are more voted to following through on their ideas and persisting and staying with them. And persistency and consistency are the things that get you towards your goals. Don’t buy into that other stuff, it’s bogus.