Avast CommunityIQ - How we find new computer viruses

2015-04-09 5

Scanner de virus maintenant http://bit.ly/1ILrKwO This video includes subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Polish, English, Czech and Russian. To activate the subtitles in your language, push the "CC" button and choose your language. To find and analyze new computer viruses, some computer security software firms have hundreds of analysts in their virus labs. At AVAST Software, we do it differently. avast! antivirus software users like yourself, if you don't opt out of our CommunityIQ virus detection system, automatically submit virus samples (potential ones, that is) from anything suspicious you encounter. When your avast! antivirus program's virus scanners notice anything that resembles computer virus symptoms, it sends a sample to us -- automatically and anonymously -- for a computer virus check. Every day we receive about 50,000 anonymous samples that our systems then virus-test. After the virus analysis, whatever gets confirmed as a new virus goes into a compu