Civil rights protests in North Charleston following fatal shooting of Walter Scott

2015-04-08 53

A protest has taken place in North Charleston following the fatal shooting of a black man by a white police officer.

Civil rights activists organised the demonstration, which took place days after 50-year-old Walter Scott was killed in the South Carolina city.

The incident has further provoked tensions over race relations between US police officers and African Americans.

Protesters amass in North Charleston after police shooting death of #WalterScott offlede— The Post and Courier (postandcourier) April 8, 2015

FBI investigation

The FBI and US Justice Department have opened an investigation into the incident, leading to police officer Michael Slager, 33, being charged with murder.

A video of the shooting was taken by a bystander. It appears to show a brief scuffle between the two men, before Slager fires eight shots into Scott’s back as he runs away from the policeman. Once the victim is on the ground, the officer handcuffs

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