Yemen's Houthi rebels make gains on Aden

2015-04-06 45

There have been heavy clashes between Yemen’s Houthi rebels and pro-government forces in the city of Aden.
Eyewitnesses have reported dozens have been killed in the fighting.

Beautiful street of Mualla in Aden was burning all day. Heartbreaking, when will this madness stop! #KefayaWar #Yemen— Sarah Jamal (@Sarah_Sanaa) April 5, 2015

Fighting in the southern city has intensified as rebels and forces loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi battle for control.

The rebel advance comes despite 11 days of airstrikes by a Saudi -led coalition of mainly Gulf forces.

Red Cross to deliver aid

Meanwhile a spokesperson for the military coalition said the International Red Cross is to be allowed in to deliver aid into the country.
The agency has been negotiating for nearly a week to deliver life-saving supplies.

Sunni Muslim Saudi-Arabia launched the airstrikes on March 26 targeting convoys and weapons stores in a bid to turn back the Shi’ite Houthi rebe

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