Freelee vs Kayla: Who WON? Was justice served or was the VEGAN served

2015-04-06 14

Truth about Justice, from a Vegan unplugged from the Matrix.

(Just found this)
"America's Corrupt Legal System - A Danger to All"
by Dr Les Sachs
The tragic reality of the world's biggest corrupt legal system -America's rigged courts, bribed judges, fake and phony trials, extortion by lawyers, and over 2 million prisoners in the USA gulag. Why USA "justice" is not like in Hollywood movies, and why YOU could be the next victim on USA territory - innocent and sent to prison.

America's lawyers are controlled by the judges, and don't really work for you - that's why they sell you out to the government, or to the big companies that pay bribes.

Multi-millionaires and big corporations, vs. everybody else

The only people who really can get expect some fairness in American courts are multi-millionaires and big corporations. Nobody else really matters to American judges and lawyers.

There is a huge amount of bribery in America, perhaps even more than in the courts of any other country in the world. Even some American ex-judges have admitted the near-universality of bribery there. Nearly all bribes are given to the judges by lawyers; this is considered the safe way to bribe a judge.
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Seems like Kayla Durianrider & the Banana girl to remove the videos giving their professional view of Kayla's diet program, and forcing them to forget they ever heard the name Kayla or Bikini body guide.

What was Freelee's lawyer for? Sounds like big-money-greed scared the shit out of them. Let's here it for justice.

The system wants the world on a fat-diet. #Diet-Matrix. The only thing interfering with this plot are those damn vegans. #vegan , Durianrider

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