Australia: Clashes between anti-Islam and anti-racism protesters

2015-04-04 1

There have been ugly scenes in Australia as anti-Islam and anti-racism demonstrators clashed.

Injuries and arrests were reported in Melbourne – the venue with most violence on a nationwide day of protest by the ‘Reclaim Australia’ group which denounces what it sees as the Islamisation of the country.

Demands such as banning the burqa however drew an angry response from counter-demonstrators. Police struggled to keep the two sides apart.

“We are here to protest for the rights of everyone to live here,” said one young man in the anti-racism rally.

“They have an issue with these people that they don’t understand. They just fear them and as Australians we are supposed to be welcoming people,” a female anti-racism protester said.

Reclaim Australia denies being racist or anti-Muslim. But for critics, the group’s rhetoric and message is provocative.

“Seven Islamists planned to blow up the Melbourne Cricket Ground on Grand Final Day,” protest organiser Shermon Burgess told supporte