Manoel de Oliveira: the oldest working film director

2015-04-03 1

Born into a wealthy middle-class family 100 years ago, Manoel de Oliveira’s ambition was always to be an actor. But the arrival of the movies changed his mind, and he moved behind the camera, making his debut as a director in 1931. It is almost true to say he has barely had a day off since.

Euronews: Manoel de Oliveira, over the last two decades you have made at least one film per year. What keeps you going?

De Oliveira: There is no secret – it is work! It is doing something, it is a natural impulsion. My life is so complicated – I need space around me, I have so much going on and my house is small, and I need breathing space. I cannot seem to sort it out. I cannot either stretch time, or enlarge the house. That would take up precious time which I cannot afford.

Euronews: And how do you see cinema?

De Oliveira: Cinema is a mirror of life. I believe that it is not one simple mirror, there is no other! Film-making is the only reflection of life. And, as well as being a reflection of