Official Quakewiki Video - Quake - Aftershock for Quake - welcome to dogget 1.1

2015-03-31 29

Not exactly the prettiest of names, the version number for the level was included. The name itself is all lowercase, meaning it isn't exactly pretty when looked at. I also have no idea what "dogget" means. At least this is all better than the name given in the readme - DOGGET1.1.

This level is inspired by a Doom II PWAD. It would be nice to know what he was inspired by, but he forgot the name of the author or the level. He basically created this level from memory, meaning it could be very different from the original base. Start hunting in PWADs published for Doom II between 1994-96 and we might find the answer, but there is thousands of PWADs to go through!

This level is pretty attractive in geometry. This level uses a wide variety of textures in a pretty efficient manner, creating nice looking rooms that look more professional then we usually see. They are somewhat gimmicky, each having a different purpose and being more of a playground than a logical world, but sometimes exploring these gimmicky worlds can be interesting. Spacing in these rooms is very good, meaning we get a world that doesn't feel too crammed yet is not spacious to the point of annoyance.

As this is version 1.1, there are a few differences. Most are minor fixes, though there was the addition of a cross in the central room with the message "religion kills!" on it which will injure you. Though a pretty gimmick, it could get pretty annoying as it is easy to trigger when trying to get the Super Nailgun.

Another room has Lava suspended in midair, which by now isn't exactly a new thing and has been seen in numerous levels. What is interesting about it is the Lava was made into a solid brush, not hollow, meaning that you could stand on it while getting injured.

We get another Lava style room in the form of the Quake logo. It was bound to happen sooner or later, but we finally see the logo built into a level. As it is made out of Lava it can be a little quirky, the movements tend to make pieces of the logo appear to be missing. Still, enough is done that it is recognizable. The Thunderbolt is also in this room, though there is only one box of Cells in the map, meaning it is pretty useless.

There is also a corridor with Lavaballs. Though just a decoration normally, they can hit you, which is why it is nice that the level designer included some 25 Health in that corridor. I also like the curvature of it, it appears natural and not just a 90 degree turn.

Another room has a couple stars in it. The trick is to shoot the star on one of the walls, which causes the message "666" to appear which of course is standard Quake fare at this point, to get to the second star on the ceiling, where a couple Powerups lie. This is another nice gimmick, though I do find the Elevator pretty annoying as there is no cue to where it will appear. The Elevator is pretty small, choosing the wrong spot can cause you to either miss stepping on it or cause you to hit your head on the star above.

The central room of this level features a platform with a Rocket Launcher with some ammo between the columns nearby. The middle column can be walked through easily, this is probably a case of not recompiling after creation. As for the Rocket Launcher, it can be retrieved by pressing a Button in the Star Room. We get a message, "Rockit", which is either some sort of pun or a terrible spelling of Rocket. Note that the Rocket Launcher platform has a trap that can be set from the room with the Quake logo whereby a player can be caught in a cage of Bars. The Bars are thin enough that trying to shoot a Rocket through could be dangerous, though something like the Super Nailgun or Double-Barrelled Shotgun could take out your opponent before they are freed. It is a nice trap and could be pretty efficient as it takes a few seconds to retrieve the Rocket Launcher. The one flaw with trapping a Weapon is that once somebody gets it, the trap becomes somewhat meaningless as it could be transferred from killing the previous player. This is why trapping a Powerup might be a smarter option, it is constantly desired and can't be rewarded for killing another player.

Overall, a very gimmicky map that looks pretty but would have a few annoyances in practice. The Rocket Launcher trap is pretty good, but the Thunderbolt is pretty much pointless and the cross outside the Super Nailgun can become annoying. Still, it is quite a good map that could see some action, there is just a bunch of maps that are probably better in terms of efficiency.