Ahmed Quraishi explains how India received three hits in Kashmir during the first week of March, 2015. All three examples prove how deeply Kashmiris reject India's invasion and forcible annexation of the territory.
In the first hit, the entire Kashmiri leadership landed at Pakistan Embassy building in New Delhi to mark the Pakistan Day celebrations. In the second hit, hundreds of Kashmiri women gathered in Srinagar, the historic capital of Indian-occupied Kashmir, to sing the Pakistan National Anthem on the occasion of #PakistanDay #23March, right in front of Indian occupation soldiers. In the third hit, Kashmir erupted in celebration when Australia defeated India in ICC World Cup 2015.
‘At Q with Ahmed Quraishi’ - or simply @Q - is a fast-paced, hard-hitting political commentary talk show hosted by renowned commentator and writer Ahmed Quraishi on ExpressNews, one of Pakistan's largest television news networks. It runs Friday through Sunday, 10:05pm PST. To contact show's host and producers, write to aq@expressnews.tv