Icons NEAL ADAMS & JOHN MACHADO iFanboy Podcast - Justice For Hire pt 2 - MMA Comics w/ Jan Lucanus

2015-03-25 19

From iFanboy.com: On this follow up edition of of iFanboy Talksplode, we talk with some more of the folks behind the Justice For Hire comics and the Justice For Hire Free for All Event. Justice for Hire is an exciting, independent comic book combining the world of mixed martial arts with action comic books.

This time round, Justice for Hire creator Jan Lucanus is joined by comics legend Neal Adams, lead animator Zach Shelton and martial arts master John Machado. The discussion moves from the role of motion comics and translating comics to motion with Neal Adams and Zach Shelton to the importance of martial arts with John Machado and how you can take fighting styles and move them from the mat to the comic page to the big screen. (March 2012)

You can read "JFH: Justice For Hire" and other Creative Impulse Comics on any of these digital comics shops:

- comiXology - www.comixology.com/Creative-Impuls…-publ­isher/73-0

- ComicPlus - digital.comicsplusapp.com/group_comics…i­sher_id=141

- Farrago Comics (where everything is #FREE) - farragocomics.com/

- Ave!Comics - www.avecomics.com/en/comics/6159/asusto.­html

- DriveThruComics - comics.drivethrustuff.com/browse/pub/7…t­ive-Impulse

- Visionbooks - visionbooks.co/comics/view/174

- Google Play - play.google.com/store/books/detai…0?id=W­HoMBgAAQBAJ