Today on The Five, the one person I thought would have been excited about a Ted Cruz presidential candidacy would be Eric Bolling. But instead, both he and Greg Gutfeld poo pooed Ted Cruz with Bolling even suggesting that Cruz just can’t win:
There are several great candidates out there that I’d run to the polls to vote for, most of all Ted Cruz. But just because I have a preference for Cruz doesn’t mean I’m going to poo poo other conservative candidates or say they can’t win.
C’mon Bolling, get it together bud. He’s a great conservative candidate and you know he’d make a fantastic president. I mean, do you really think Ted Cruz can’t do what Scott Walker does or Rick Perry does or Bobby Jindal does as governors? Do you really think he wouldn’t know how to be president if he got elected? Do you think he couldn’t figure it out?
As for Greg and his prima donna comments, whatever. Cruz is a fighter and he’s always been fighting for the people. What Gutfeld called unrealistic goals…well, ‘unrealistic’ is what they said about Ronald Reagan’s fight with the Soviet Union. But the wall did come down and it did so because he had vision.
Don’t underestimate Ted Cruz.