Stevan Vagner Steven Wagner Podrum * COLLEGIUM MELODIUM *;WEDMO, , World music museum AND Fabulous Ethno Vocal .Dance Group * SVITANJE * present OLD Sebian sound and dance - The documented musical history of the Serbs can be traced back to the medieval era. Church music was performed throughout Serbia by choirs or individual singers. The songs performed at the time were derived from the Osmoglasnik, a collection of religious songs dedicated to Jesus. These songs were repeated over the course of eight weeks in a cyclical fashion. Composers from this era include nun Jefimija, monks Kir Stefan the Serb, Isaiah the Serb, Joachim Domestikos of Serbia, and Nikola the Serb. Together, they belong to the new musical tradition called Serbo-Byzantine school.
Aside from church music, the medieval era in Serbia included traditional music, about which little is known, and court music. During the rule of the Nemanjić dynasty musicians played an important role in the royal court, and were known as sviralnici, glumci and praskavnici. The rulers known for the musical patronage included Stefan Dušan and Đurađ Branković.
With the fall of Serbia under the Ottoman rule came instruments that would further cause Serbian music to flourish.
Medieval musical instruments included horns, trumpets, lutes, psalteries, drums and cymbals. Traditional folk instruments include the gajde, kaval, dajre, diple, tamburitza, gusle, tapan (davul), sargija, ćemane (kemenche), zurla (zurna), and frula among others.